You’ve heard it a million times: You don’t need to spend hours in the gym to see results. If you’re short on time, you can still get a killer workout by doing 20 minutes HIIT Workout.
And the best part is: It’s actually fun. not something that can be said about your average slog on the treadmill or elliptical machine. Here are five workouts that are guaranteed to burn some major calories and leave your muscles sore tomorrow!
What’s High-Intensity Interval Training(HIIT)
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is an intense form of cardiovascular exercise that alternates intense bursts with periods of rest or lower-intensity exercises, followed by brief recovery periods. Its key characteristic is short but intense intervals followed by brief recovery periods. HIIT workouts can be tailored specifically for various exercises such as running, cycling, and bodyweight exercises.
HIIT works by pushing your body to its limit during high-intensity intervals, elevating your heart rate, and challenging your muscles. Following each intense bout, active recovery or complete rest allows the heart rate to subside and the body time to recover.
Benefits of 20 minutes HIIT Workout:
When it comes to efficiency and effectiveness, few fast fitness routines rival the 20 minutes HIIT Workout. Here’s why:
Time Efficient:
Our busy modern lifestyles often leave us strapped for time, making regular exercise difficult to fit into our busy schedule. A Full Body HIIT workout’s advantage lies in its time efficiency.
By doing shorter bursts of intense activity instead of traditional steady-state exercises, HIIT workouts allow you to achieve significant fitness gains much quicker, which helps keep an exercise regimen consistent even on busy days.
Effective for fat loss:
20 minutes HIIT Workouts are designed to accelerate heart rate quickly, pushing your body to work at its maximum capacity during short bursts of intense exercise. Not only will your calories burn during this form of cardio, but the additional “afterburn” known as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) means they continue burning at an increased rate long after your session has concluded – an effective strategy when looking to shed off extra body fat!
Cardiovascular fitness:
The high-intensity intervals followed by brief rest intervals test and strengthen your cardiovascular system in unique ways. Over time, 20 minutes HIIT Workout can enhance heart efficiency allowing more oxygenated blood to move throughout your body more effectively, increasing fitness and heart health! Consequently, it not only boosts fitness levels but also contributes to long-term heart well-being and improvement of overall heart health.
Minimal Equipment Needed:
Many of these exercises require only your body weight for effective practice, making them accessible and suitable in various settings such as home or gym environments.
Muscle Building and Toning
Though 20 minutes HIIT Workouts tend to focus on cardiovascular fitness, their intensity also engages multiple muscle groups throughout your body for improved muscle definition and toning over time. Strength training alongside cardiovascular workouts may promote lean muscle growth for a well-rounded athletic physique.
Avoid Boredom:
With so many high-intensity exercises available today, choosing and selecting only those best suited to your routine will keep your workouts exciting and prevent monotony from setting in.
Be mindful that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is an intensive form of exercise and may not be appropriate for everyone, particularly those with specific medical conditions or injuries. If this type of workout seems intimidating, first consult a fitness professional or healthcare provider before embarking on any HIIT regimens.
Step-by-Step Guide to Mastering a 20 minutes HIIT workout
Now that you understand the incredible advantages of Full Body HIIT workout, let’s break them down to help you conquer them successfully. Follow this comprehensive step-by-step guide and ensure you’re making the most out of the routine.
Before starting any workout, you must warm up. Warming up by increasing blood flow and muscle temperature helps your body prepare itself for intense physical exertion. Use various approaches if you can, The best warm-up any athlete in the world would tell you is jogging if you have time and space if not stationary jogging for 15 minutes minimum could do the trick. followed by some light cardio movements designed to raise heart rates without overworking any specific muscle group.
At first, it may seem counter-productive to do too vigorously warm-up exercises; we want our muscles ready for action without exhaustion before beginning our HIIT training! For optimal results, doing three rounds and two minutes per each should do the trick, getting your heart rate pumping while still giving plenty of recovery time between sets; this way, when we move onto high-intensity interval training later on this routine, they seem easier!
Jumping Jacks
Jumping jacks are an effective exercise and heart rate booster, engaging multiple muscle groups across the legs, core, shoulders, and arms simultaneously for an overall body workout.
Accessible any time of the day or night, and is simple with or without weights.
There are so many variations for the jumping jacks like the crossover jack and the skier jack.
Fun to do, you can include them into the warm-up or as a cardio regimen.
Let’s see the steps to perform Jumping Jacks:
1. Stand upright with your legs together and arms at your sides.
2. Bend your knees slightly, and jump into the air.
3. As you jump, spread your legs to be about shoulder-width apart. Stretch your arms out and over your head.
4. Jump back to the starting position.
5. Repeat this sequence of steps.
Burpees to Squats
This exercise combines burpees and squats into one movement.
- begin by starting from a standing position.
- Then drop into a squat position with your hands on the ground.
- From there, you kick your feet back and hands down on the floor into a push-up position.
- Return to the squat position again.
- And then jump up for a complete cycle to a standing initial position.
- Repeat 10 times for 1 set; rest 30 seconds before doing more sets.
This full-body workout targets multiple muscle groups simultaneously legs, glutes, core, chest, and arms. It often forms part of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts due to its effectiveness at burning calories while increasing cardiovascular fitness.
High Knees run
This cardiovascular exercise entails performing high knees while running either at a distance or stationary to develop lower body strength, endurance, and overall fitness. Follow these steps to perform High Knees.
- Assume a standing position.
- Start running now with the knees reaching all the way up to the hip’s level.
- Maintain a steady pace.
- Keep the rest of your body still and upright, don’t lean forward or back, Focus on keeping those knees high, and breathing deeply.
- Repeat this movement 10 or 15 times per set or 30 seconds to 1 minute. Rest and recover before doing additional sets.
You can do this workout anywhere and it doesn’t require any equipment. It’s also great for beginners, but you can always add more advanced challenges like speed and counts if you’re feeling up to it.
Mountain Climbers
Mountain Climbers is one of the top exercises, that target multiple muscle groups simultaneously to enhance balance, agility, coordination, strength, flexibility, and blood flow, and let’s not forget the Cardiovascular system making it a highly efficient workout.
The other effective benefit of this exercise is improving your reflex speed, joint movement, and overall stability, and the best of all there’s no need to trek up any mountain to give this workout a go.
These exercises have proven an efficient method for strengthening arms, back, shoulders, core, and legs.
Start out simple and slow:
- get into the plank position
- The back, abs, and head should all be aligned for maximum efficiency.
- Bring your right knee close to your chest as much as possible before switching legs by pulling one out while bringing another knee back in.
- hold hips low while moving knees back and forth rapidly while controlling breathing.
- Repeat each cycle 10 or 15 times. rest and recover before doing new sets.
A simple 20 minutes HIIT workout plan

Deep breathing, stretching, and walking should be done during the break period.
Tips and things to remember
Your Full Body HIIT workout is complete! Congratulations on a job well done.
Here are a few key takeaways from today’s session that you should remember going forward:
It’s important to remember that this workout is not just for beginners. It’s for anyone: men women and kids. beginners and pros.
No equipment or special skills are necessary, and no big room is required. All you need is some space on the ground, plus some determination.
Work on your breathing during and after the workout, it’s very important.
So now relax, recover, and repeat this full-body workout for another fat-loss and muscle-building day. Keep going until it becomes second nature.
This full body routine will keep your fitness regime on track while helping to burn excess calories, build muscles to stay in good shape, and keep yourself feeling great.
No matter how long it takes, what matters is the full body workout that you need and the heart rate stays elevated throughout.
Begin this routine two to three times a week until you’ve become comfortable increasing the intensity level (e.g., running faster or jumping higher) or moving on to another high-intensity interval training workout.
If you liked this workout, please share it with others and check out more exciting and healthy workouts on our site!