In the world of influencers and social media, the human belly has become people’s focus. Abdominal muscles, or Abs for short, took the trophy in the fitness world; everyone advises on how to get six packs, and everyone else wants them. and all of a sudden we started asking the question: Do Ab Workouts Burn Belly Fat?
Many tips for burning belly fat revolve around ab workouts and equipment that target abdominal muscles. These techniques are said to stimulate your abdominal muscles to help you lose belly fat. However, most of them aren’t quite as efficient as you believe.
This article provides everything you must know about ab exercise and belly fat before you start your journey.
What Are the Abdominal Muscles (Abs)?
The main role of Abdominal muscles is to help stabilize your core.
They also allow you to move and safeguard your internal organs and provide stability and support for posture.
Strong abdominal muscles help improve balance. They can reduce back pain and improve flexibility as well.
There are four major abdominal muscles:
- Rectus Abdominis.
- Transverse abdominis.
- External oblique.
- Internal oblique.
It is notable to mention that it’s vital to maintain the strength of each and every one of these muscles.
What Is the Abdominal Fat?
The excess abdominal fat, also known as belly fat, is linked with an increased risk of insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.
Obesity in the abdomen is also a primary factor contributing to metabolic syndrome.
There are two kinds of abdominal fat: visceral and subcutaneous fat.
Visceral Fat
This fat is located in your abdominal cavity surrounding the internal organs.
It’s connected to metabolic syndrome and health conditions like type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Visceral fat is a hormone-active element that produces compounds that affect many disease-related processes in the human body.
Subcutaneous Fat
This is the kind of fat that you can squeeze. It’s found under the skin, in between your muscles and skin.
Subcutaneous fat isn’t directly linked to the risk of metabolic disease. In small quantities, it will not drastically increase your risk of getting sick.
Abdominal Muscles vs Abdominal Fat
If you have some belly fat and you exercise your abdominal muscles, you improve their strength and flexibility; you can even feel that, but you can’t see the muscles yet.
Light exercises won’t cause your abdominal muscles to appear when they’re covered with layers of fat.
Subcutaneous (under the skin) fat blocks your abdominal muscles.
If you really want defined abs, You must first remove subcutaneous fat accumulating in the abdominal area.
Do Ab Exercises Burn Belly Fat?
To answer the question: Do Ab Workouts Burn Belly Fat? Let us look at it from different perspectives.
Many people use some specific abdominal workouts; those workouts are great, but evidence suggests that targeted ab exercises only are not practical.
Spot Reduction is Not Beneficial
Spot reduction refers to the false claim that fat in a particular area of the body can be targeted for reduction through some specific exercises. Those targeted areas can indeed feel the heat after some heavy spot workouts, but it will never be enough to lose weight or fat in that desired area.
Belly fat is not an exception; as we mentioned before, the fat under the skin is the first target, and it doesn’t come off quickly just by some targeting exercises.
So many studies were done on people using ab exercises for weeks; the goal was to lose belly fat, and the results were the same as if they did not workout at all.
This isn’t just true for the abdominal region. It is applicable to all parts of the human body.
If you use full-body workouts, you’ve got to experience some serious weight loss that affects your entire body. And not only a single spot or an area.
These workouts, which target multiple muscle groups all at once, have been scientifically proven effective in promoting overall fat loss.
Some other studies on the subject have also shown similar results.
Well, Someone Disagree
We have another opinion regarding the mentioned concept since certain studies contradict the above findings.
One study looked into the effect of spot reduction on subcutaneous belly fat. It was found that exercising in this particular area helped reduce fat that was in the area.
Another study investigated whether subcutaneous fat’s position played any role. The study compared subcutaneous fat near working muscles with fat located near resting ones.
It is interesting to note that regardless of how vigorous the workout was, the blood flow and breakdown of fat were more significant in subcutaneous fat near active muscles.
However, the methods of measurement employed in these studies may be the cause of the contradicting results.
Do Ab Workouts Burn Belly Fat? NO, but
The fat mass must be broken into pieces before it can be absorbed into the bloodstream. The fat could come from any body part, not just the region being targeted.
So The only way to reduce abdominal fat is to reduce overall body fat
Also, doing sit-ups, crunches, and other abs exercises won’t be very effective in burning off calories. However, they are still great for toning your abs and strengthening your core.
The Workout You Should Choose
In general, whole-body workouts will increase your metabolism and help you burn calories as well as fat. Cardio exercise could also help in reducing visceral belly fat.
High-intensity or moderate exercise may reduce belly fat faster compared to aerobic or strengthening exercises.
In addition, you should regularly exercise if you wish to see significant improvements.
The changes in muscle that occur in response to exercise can also help promote the loss of fat. Also, the more muscle mass you develop, the more significant fat you’ll burn off.
A Mix of Types of Workouts to Burn Belly Fat
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a different approach proven in studies to decrease body fat more effectively than aerobic exercise in its standard form.
HIIT is a form of interval training that involves brief bouts of intense workouts and slightly longer but less intensive recovery intervals.
The aspects of HIIT that make it efficient include suppressing appetite and increased fat burning during and after exercise.
Additionally, the combination of aerobic exercise and resistance training has proven to be more efficient than aerobic exercise on its own
Even if you do not want to engage in HIIT (or resistance exercise), research has found that even regular walks efficiently reduce belly fat and overall body fat.
Diet Vs Body Fat
When it comes to diet and weight loss, there are so many things to talk about, but we’ll go straight to the essentials,
To begin, cut down on the amount of processed food you consume. They are typically packed with sugar and high fructose corn syrup.
Sugar intake can result in weight gain and increase the risk of developing metabolic disorders.
Instead, concentrate on eating more protein. The consumption of high-protein foods has been associated with higher levels of fullness, which can result in a lower intake of calories.
A study on obese and overweight men found that when protein constituted 25 percent of their daily calorie consumption, their appetite control and fullness increased by 60%.
In addition, a protein intake of about 25-30% of your daily calories can boost your metabolism by as much as 100 calories a day.
Intensifying your fiber intake is another effective strategy for weight loss. Foods high in fiber soluble have proven to aid in weight loss. They may boost feelings of fullness and may reduce calorie consumption over time.
Controlling your portion is another helpful method since reducing food intake has been proven to reduce weight.
If you eat whole foods, consume more proteins and fiber, and manage your portions. you’re much more likely to trim down on calories.
In the long run, achieving an energy deficit is essential to eliminating belly fat and weight.
Research has shown that individuals can lose belly fat with moderate or vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise as long as they keep an energy deficit.
Best Way To Lose Belly Fat
The answer to the question: Do Ab Workouts Burn Belly Fat? is NO, however, as we demonstrated, to lose belly fat is to lose body fat, and here’s the best way to do that:
Use a mix of aerobic exercises, running, and resistance training, like lifting weights.
Also, choose a diet that is full of fiber, protein, and portion control
These techniques will assist you in reducing calories, boosting your metabolism, and allowing you to lose weight. This can lead to a reduction in belly fat, and with some perseverance and a lot of work, reach the goal of having a beautiful six-pack.
If you ask any athlete, they will tell you this:
In fitness, nothing is easy, but nothing is impossible either.