ABC Method—Act, Believe, Count the Blessings. to succeed in life

The simple and proven steps to succeed in life.

When I was writing the article about the perfect weight loss fitness tips, My mind was circling the same idea over and over, and trying to write a short and simple article wasn’t having it, instead, I came up with a long list of notes on the side that keep popping up in my head as well, so I decided to go for it and why not discover something to learn and cherish along the way.

Now this article would be a perfect guide in the motivation section if we have one on our site, but we don’t, so we decided to post it here in all sections for anyone to read, learn, and get inspired. Hoping we can learn from other people’s experiences, after all that’s what life is all about.
It all started when we asked this simple question: What does it take to succeed in life?

And after conducting extensive research and soliciting opinions from a variety of sources, we received a wide range of responses containing both detailed and general information as well as lengthy and succinct explanations. We have come to the conclusion that there are a variety of approaches and steps that can be taken to succeed in life and reach goals, and a wide range of viewpoints come together to form a single concept.

To succeed in life, We have boiled it down to three essential steps that, if carried out effectively in any project, career, job, or simply a simple plan, can lead to success and the attainment of goals. Like a waterfall, collecting water from various sources and channeling it into a strong, steady stream, these steps provide a unified approach to achieving what we strive for.


“Action speaks louder than words.”

The gem of any type of progress, modernization, and civilization is an idea, An idea is the seed of innovation, progress, and success. However, it is not enough to simply have an idea; it is crucial to take action and turn that idea into a tangible outcome. Acting on an idea is the start, as it opens up new opportunities, generates momentum, and leads to personal and professional growth.

“The act of taking action is empowering and leads to an increase in self-awareness and understanding of one’s capabilities”

Taking action on an idea allows for the testing of its viability and potential. It allows for the validation of the concept and the assessment of its potential for success. Acting on an idea is the first step toward making it a reality. Without action, an idea remains just a thought, and it is impossible to succeed in life and achieve the desired outcome with only a thought.

Acting on an idea usually creates momentum and helps to set it in motion. It generates progress and grants us that fuzzy feeling that tells us we are on our trajectory to get there. It is truly a compelling tool that enables us to push through challenges and obstacles. The act of taking action is empowering and leads to an increase in self-awareness and understanding of one’s capabilities, even if that increase is smaller in action but great in perspective.

Acting on an idea leads to innovation and creativity. It allows for developing new products, business models, and ways of doing things. It is the driving force behind progress and change. Taking action on an idea can lead to market development. It allows individuals to learn new skills, and new trades and improve upon existing ones.

Acting on an idea has a positive impact on the world as well. It can contribute to the betterment of individuals, communities, and society as a whole. tiny and small actions can make a difference and contribute to the greater good. Even when an idea does not work out, the experience can be valuable and appreciated. It can really serve as a learning opportunity and provide precious insights for future projects and ideas. Failure is not the opposite of success; it is a stepping stone toward it.


“Believe in your infinite potential. Your only limitations are those you set upon yourself.”

A belief is a mental attitude or conviction held by an individual or group about the truth or existence of something. Beliefs can be based on personal faith, experiences, evidence, intuition, or cultural values, and can influence an individual’s perception, decision-making, and behavior.

Beliefs can be conscious or unconscious and can range from simple, everyday beliefs about the world to complex philosophical or religious beliefs about the nature of reality, morality, and human existence, and they can be changed over time.

“Stack positive results in order to believe you can achieve what you set out to do.”

The human brain usually builds a belief system based on the results of past achievements, failures, and all between… and that past could be personal or adopted from someone else. But past results do not equal future ones. Build certainty and confidence by building on successes, even small ones. Stack positive results in order to believe you can achieve what you set out to do.

Belief provides motivation and helps to keep individuals focused on their goals, and motivation can be the driving force behind achieving success.

Belief creates a positive mindset, which can lead to better decision-making and problem-solving. When individuals believe in something, This positive mindset can overcome challenges and come up with different solutions to potential obstacles, knowing the way is Knowing what it takes.

When individuals believe in something, they are more likely to see things in a different light, which can open up new possibilities and perspectives. This can be beneficial to create more opportunities, more ideas, and more versions of optimizing results, and even achieving the best aspirations.

Belief fosters creativity, which is essential for coming up with new and innovative ideas and for Inventing new ways to create a product or introduce a process for the first time.

Belief helps in making decisions with more conviction and clarity. no grey colors are allowed when envisioning goals.
Set your mind on the goal and believe in your abilities to succeed in life, Ask any athlete skier, the clear mind is on the finish line and not on the trees along the way. If you focus on the trees you’ll hit the trees, if you focus on obstacles you’ll get them.

Count the blessings:

“Count your blessings, not your troubles.”

Your road to success is not silky nor smooth, it’s really rocky and unstable, so expect the worst, the hardest, and the difficult because nothing comes easy. Once this concept is engraved in your mind, your perspective on success will be clearer, the obstacles will be manageable and the challenges will be understood. Every step is getting you closer to your goal no matter the troubles facing you, You will celebrate success, so celebrate the things you learn on your way there as well, and count those tiny blessings along the way.

“Counting your blessings provides motivation, and promotes a sense of accomplishment.”

Counting your blessings increases positivity. It helps to shift focus from negative thoughts and emotions to positive ones, it’s the most essential practice when making progress. This positivity can easily be transmittable, and contagious between people around us, and that’s a lot of blessings also.

Counting your blessings is the core of Gratitude that leads to happiness. It is the fuel that keeps us going when times are tough. It’s the emotion that inspires us to feel good and live great.
Gratitude is the emotion that connects us to our own inner side and our well-being. Studies have demonstrated that it can enhance fulfillment and satisfaction in our lives, along with fostering social connectedness.
It’s also linked to better mental health, lower stress levels, and a feeling of contentment.

Counting your blessings also improves relationships. Being grateful for the blessings in one’s life can help to strengthen relationships with others as individuals share their appreciation and positivity. This can lead to deeper connections and more meaningful interactions with others.

There you have it folks, a brief understanding of what to expect and what to arm yourself with in order to get there and to succeed in life, Remember to Act, Believe, and Count the blessing method (ABC), embrace and always apply it effectively.

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